Roosa & JP


Embracing Learning

Learning should be available for EVERYONE

We both sucked at school 😂

Was the reason behind that in us, or in the way they tried to teach us?

We are on a journey to find out how we learn stuff, and hopefully form some patterns out of it. Roosa has so far learned tattooing & photography to Pro level in 9 months, both at the same time. We are not selling stuff here, we’re just telling about us and our journey so far.

This page will find its form during this process, this is where we start. 🩵

We share our findings about this journey to learning with you. For free. No catch. But we also do this to find some passive income to get more time to our most important thing in life, for us.

Idea of monetization in the development came from JP’s dear friend Petri Damnstén 🩵 Let people decide the value themselves.

These two buttons are not yet doing anything, but maybe at some point they have some functionality.


Color tattoos done in 4 months
from the start 😁


Total recovery in three weeks.
(Remember correct aftercare,
keep it CLEAN! 🙏)


Naturally developed personal method of learning used in the process 🤓
(Go with the Flow)

Our Portfolio


Roosa’s one speciality in living skin, colors. Her style is unique and you can find influences from Sticker to Neo traditional styles. 🎨

Tech Consulting

JP’s background comes mostly from world of technology with an extra twist of humanity. You can find his track record from here 🏃


The results when we create. This is from the first time we ever met, so you can imagine what we can create for you 🧠


We both have had problems in school. Roosa even more than JP, but was the challenge in us? Follow one different learning experience 🤓🩵


I’m lucky to know Roosa not only as a person, but also as a model, tattoo artist, and creative soul. We first met during a photoshoot, and right from the start, her meticulousness and drive for perfection in everything she does really stood out. That passion is just as visible in her tattoos, and it’s been a joy to see how quickly she’s grown as an artist too. You simply can’t help but like her. Her bubbly personality and smile could melt even the toughest character. She’s just such a colorful person—love it! Of course, not every line has to be fucking perfect… but hey, Roosa is Roosa, so they probably are!

There are so much positive things to say about JP Palmunen, as a colleague, mentor, developer, leader, friend… you name it, he excels at it. JP is capable of hopping into (practically) any kind of development project with a terrifying speed, find the gaps in the current process and damn, even fill those gaps immediately. If your project is in trouble – whether it’s just the sheer amount of work needed to be done, or any other issues, JP is the one you want. Badly.

I had the pleasure to work with JP at Mavericks / Witted. JP was highly appreciated and trusted by our clients and very liked among the colleagues. JP is a seasoned tech-professional with wide skillset, ability to work in various different roles and deep expertise on technical matters. Besides the technical competence, JP has holistic understanding on design and commercial dimensions as well. I really enjoyed the sparring conversations with JP, which always resulted a handful of concrete takeaways. I can warmly recommend JP.